Ven. Dagpo Rinpoche : Reflect on the Guru’s Kindness and Recite Heart Sutra to Dispel Obstacles

  • November 3, 2015


Hari ini adalah peringatan Buddha kembali dari Surga Tawatimsa menurut penanggalan Tibet (Lhabab Duchen). Kita meyakini kebajikan yang terakumulasi dikalikan seratus ribu.

Oleh karena itu, mulai hari ini, marilah kita bersama-sama mengumpulkan pelafalan SUTRA HATI dari hari ini hingga Mahapranidhana Puja pada Desember sebanyak 100.000 secara kolektif.

Pelafalan Sutra Hati ini atas instruksi Rinpoche demi kepulihan kesehatan Beliau. Beliau juga secara khusus merestui acara Maha Pranidhana Puja–PRAY FOR RINPOCHE pada Desember 2015 ini.

Rinpoche juga menganjurkan kita merenungkan poin-poin kebaikan Guru Spiritual dan memohon secara mendalam padanya untuk menghilangkan penghalang-penghalang dan mengakumulasi kebajikan melalui pelafalan Sutra Hati.

Saat ini Rinpoche sedang dalam proses pemulihan dan kita bersama-sama berdoa dan dedikasi semoga Beliau kembali sehat dan kembali beraktivitas dengan lebih sangat lagi.


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Call Center KCI
Pin BBM 5273AC39


Bandung, 3 November 2015


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[Lhabab Duchen–Heart Sutra for Rinpoche]


Today is the commemoration of Buddha descending from Heaven of Tavatimsa according to Tibetan calendar (Lhabab Duchen). We believe that the merit accumulated will be multiplied one hundred thousand times.

Therefore, starting today, let us together accumulate the recitation of HEART SUTRA, from today until Mahapranidhana Puja in December up til the amount of 100,000 recitations collectively.

The Heart Sutra recitation is based on Rinpoche’s instruction for the recovery of his health. Rinpoche also gives his permission and blessing for the Mahapranidhana Puja–PRAY FOR RINPOCHE program this December.

Rinpoche also suggests that we should reflect the points on the kindness of the Spiritual Guru and supplicate deeply to him to dispel all obstacles and to accumulate virtue through Heart Sutra recitation.

Currently Rinpoche is in the process of recovering and together we can pray and dedicate for his perfect recovery so that he will be able–even more so, to do his activities.


Join us in this program. Please register at:


KCI Call Center
Pin BBM 5273AC39


Bandung, 3 November 2015
Bhadra Ruci


  • Leslie Franklin 03-11-2015

    Please recover and send me the sura so I can pray for you xx

  • 06-12-2015

    I’m not a student of Rinpoche. I intended to try to get to his teachings in Asia this year.
    I would still like to do recitations. Im going to Bodhgaya early next year so would like to do recitations there.

    Melissa Noble

    • Admin KCI 07-12-2015

      Dear Melissa Noble,
      Yes, of course it is very possible. If you note down your number of recitations, please let us know so we can add it up to our joint accumulation.

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